This round's blog chain, started by the fabulous Michelle is eerily relevant to me right now. She asks:
Do you write for the market or for yourself? Why? Are there times you do both? Or times when you've written something specifically because it was "hot" at the moment? If so, how did it turn out?
When I started my new WIP last spring, I ran with a single idea. A sentence, really. I didn't write it for the market, or the reader, or even with an agent in mind. This story was for me. I set out to produce something unique, an urban fantasy that broke out of the typical character line-up. The words flowed, the story unfolded and when I'd finished, I was beyond proud of the book.
When I started querying, I received mixed reviews. It was a love/hate situation in that some of the agents rejected me at the speed of light while others requested with enthusiasm. And the submissions went pretty much the same. One agent even told me that the novel was just too fantastical to be sold as an urban fantasy. But thanks to my friends and crit partners I persisted and continued to query. And after 6 months and many rejections, I finally found an agent who just 'clicked'. And I'm happy to say that I signed with her right away!
But again, market vs. passion came in to play. One thing that drew my agent to the story was the unique concept. But this got me to thinking... If it had been this hard to find the right agent, how much harder would it be to find the right publisher? Especially with the economy and market trends being what they are. In a waning industry, editors might not be willing to take a chance on a new concept. But then again... sometimes people need 'new and fresh' right?
In the end, I wouldn't have it any other way. Market trends or not, I write what I write. Period. Because if it doesn't come from my heart, it won't be believable. And no one's going to buy a book with no heart. I wouldn't.
Check out the equally fabulous Kate's post before mine and Sandra's tomorrow to find out who or what they write for!
Yep - believable is a key! Congrats again.
very true - I think you can tell when a writer's heart just isn't in it. I'm thinking specifically of a favorite series of mine where the author seems to just crank out book after book. While I still enjoy the stories, there is a marked difference between the books at the beginning of the series and those at the end. The latest efforts seem to be plastered with all the elements that the readers enjoyed so much in the other books, but it reads like a "this is what they like so I'll cram as much of it in this story as I can whether it really belongs in there or not."
I don't think it's a bad idea to keep an eye on the market (like in Kate's post yesterday) but if your heart isn't in what you are writing, it will definitely show.
I agree with Michelle. And you. I may not care for Stephanie Meyers' books, but she obviously did, and that comes through in her writing and in the devotion of her fans.
Write what you love and the market will follow.
I'd be lost trying to write for the market.
I hope you do find a publisher for your work! As a reader, I'm beginning to find that many urban fantasies read much the same to me. I'd enjoy reading something with a different take.
Totally agree it has to come from the heart. Congratulations on finding the agent who clicked with you. Look forward to reading your story someday.
Great story. Not choosing to give in despite having diffulties is what makes for the best tales of all. Nice answer :)
Good answer! Sometimes you have to listen to your heart. Congrats on finding an agent and high hopes that a publisher will love your book!
When you're true to yourself, you write from the heart.
You can never go wrong with that.
Awesome, post! And congrats again. Still so happy for you :D :D :D
So true, you gotta love what you write, or it just falls flat. Well said!
Love this post, Amanda. I'm so glad you write what you do. It makes fun reading for me. :-)
What an awesome story!! Congrats to you and good luck. I hope to be hearing about a sale very soon. :D
'New and fresh' is always awesome! Your book sounds really cool! Can't wait to read it. :)
Just finding an agent for your book must really confirm that you were correct in deciding to write for yourself - congrats again!
Congrats on finding the perfect agent for your work! That is half the battle!
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